Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The mysterious mist and Kolkata

Some say Kolkata is at her best during December or January. I would rather say she is mysterious in November.

Mist is never being so beautiful in any other city as it is in Kolkata. An early November morning at maidan area would be the idle period to experience the mystery of mist in Kolkata.

It is like losing yourself in the white vast field and every where u see will find nothing but a white dense mist and no one around you.
Suddenly a scaring feel of floating on infinity would definitely come in your mind but on a moment you will get the relief while watching the sky scrapers of park streets are rising over their heads above the floating white mist.

And then the sun joins the play like someone has thrown a big hazy orange ball on the sky just in between the two big sky scrapers on east horizon.

Slowly the white dense mist have vanished and gift you a charming November morning with dew all over the lush green field.
The sunny November morning is carrying the message of oncoming winter in the city.